
10 year college reunion

I am heading to Omaha, Nebraska in approximately 10 hours for my 10 year college reunion. I am very excited to see my friends and meet the kids I haven't met yet. At the same time, I'm hoping that I appreciate where I am at in my life and accomplishments while admiring them and theirs. Everyone timed their life milestones differently. Some people got married in 2001, some people moved away. Some had kids right away, some people stayed in Omaha. Many people went back to school and got their Masters degrees. Some people unfortunately got a divorce, and others passed. Some got the job of a lifetime - others are unemployed. Reminds me of a Rent song... how do you measure, a year in the life? "In diapers, report cards, in smoked wheels, in speeding tickets, in contracts, dollars, in funerals, in births? In 525,600 minutes how do you measure the life of a woman or a man? Measure in love?" I missed my 10 year high school reunion; went to a friends' wedding instead. I wish I could have reconnected with people from high school, but if I am not already connected would a re-connection even last? Not sure I feel like I really missed something. Instead I was participating in a close friends' most memorable events in their life, can't beat that right? Lastly, I wish my husband was coming with me. It's going to be a long weekend with him and I'll miss him! I know I will still have a blast and I will still be able to see my new niece Olivia and my in-laws.