
Music that moves me

Loving Adele. Her music, her persona, the cat eye and bufont hair.


rest in peace harley

miss you, love you. see you soon.


Omaha Zoo

A quick visit before leaving Nebraska this holiday. Here are some of my favorite shots w/ my Nikon D200 70-300mm lens (courtesty of Fred Kerr!).



I just discovered this website and am waiting for a membership invite. Pretty cool concept. A pin board where you can put cool things you find. www.pinterest.com


amazing Christmas photography images

Take a look at these for inspiration: http://www.digital-photography-school.com/how-to-take-beautiful-bokeh-christmas-images-with-31-stunning-examples


TV shows I'm addicted to

Currently the re-runs are consistently being recorded on our DVR for the following: Big Bang Theory, 30 Rock, How I Met Your Mother, It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia, and The League.
These make us laugh. The one that keeps us on the edge of our seats: Walking Dead.

it's Christmas season

There is always one song. One song that gets you in the Christmas spirit, right? Well I heard mine today on the radio in the car on the way home from a horrible day at work where everything was going wrong... All I Want for Christmas, by Mariah Carey. And when I hear it, no matter where I am, I turn it up really loud and sing all the wrong words to the tune. It reminds me of being happy, dancing, and one of my favorite holiday movies: Love Actually.
"What more can I do? All I want for Christmas is you." Happy Holidays!


typo on the official degree from University of Denver

I started taking classes for my Masters in September 2005. I finished my thesis the end of May 2011. I officially graduated in August 2011. I received my degree from the University of Denver in October 2011 and it said I graduated in June 2007. Buzz kill!!! I had to call them and tell them about the error; to which they told me to send back both the unofficial transcript and the degree certificate so they could replace them both. They could not explain the error. Ridiculous. I have the corrected degree now; thus it is offical- I have completed Graduate School. YES!


7th half marathon completed

Nike Women's Marathon (half) completed on October 16, 2011. I may have been dreading it for shear lack of training prior to the race. 22,000+ women and men raced and it was crowded; but Nike does a fantastic job of pumping people up and putting on an incredible race! I got to see an old friend, Stacey, at the start which was great. This was my 7th half marathon and I've completed 3 full marathons to date; that logs 170.3 race miles to date. I can't wait to add more.


10 year college reunion

I am heading to Omaha, Nebraska in approximately 10 hours for my 10 year college reunion. I am very excited to see my friends and meet the kids I haven't met yet. At the same time, I'm hoping that I appreciate where I am at in my life and accomplishments while admiring them and theirs. Everyone timed their life milestones differently. Some people got married in 2001, some people moved away. Some had kids right away, some people stayed in Omaha. Many people went back to school and got their Masters degrees. Some people unfortunately got a divorce, and others passed. Some got the job of a lifetime - others are unemployed. Reminds me of a Rent song... how do you measure, a year in the life? "In diapers, report cards, in smoked wheels, in speeding tickets, in contracts, dollars, in funerals, in births? In 525,600 minutes how do you measure the life of a woman or a man? Measure in love?" I missed my 10 year high school reunion; went to a friends' wedding instead. I wish I could have reconnected with people from high school, but if I am not already connected would a re-connection even last? Not sure I feel like I really missed something. Instead I was participating in a close friends' most memorable events in their life, can't beat that right? Lastly, I wish my husband was coming with me. It's going to be a long weekend with him and I'll miss him! I know I will still have a blast and I will still be able to see my new niece Olivia and my in-laws.